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Discrete Calculus for DeFi Math

ยท 8 min read
Eric Forgy
Founder of CavalRe

Hello everyone and welcome to the CavalRe! ๐Ÿค 

In this article, I present a primer on discrete calculus with the intention of helping us analyze DeFi protocols running on blockchains, which are inherently discrete in nature.

Blockchain as a State Machineโ€‹

The Ethereum yellow paper describes the Ethereum blockchain as a state machine with the state of the world denoted by ฯƒ(t)\sigma(t). Given a transaction T(t,t+1)T(t,t+1), the state is updated to a new state ฯƒ(t+1)\sigma(t+1) by the Ethereum state transition function ฮฅ\Upsilon denoted by

ฯƒ(t+1)=ฮฅ(ฯƒ(t),T(t,t+1)).\sigma(t+1) = \Upsilon(\sigma(t),T(t,t+1)).

It is important to note the inherent discreteness of this process. There is no state between ฯƒ(t)\sigma(t) and ฯƒ(t+1).\sigma(t+1). A transaction takes you from some initial state to some final state with nothing in between and repeats indefinitely with every new transaction.

This discreteness has implications for how we should analyze blockchain protocols such as automated market makers (AMMs) so we will enhance our toolbox for dealing with this discreteness in the remainder of this article.

Node Functionsโ€‹

Every blockchain needs to start with some initial state created by some kind of genesis event. Therefore, it makes sense to restrict tt to be a natural number N\N with the initial state denoted ฯƒ0.\sigma_0. A node function is simply a function

f:Nโ†’R,f: \N\to\R,

where R\R denotes real numbers. Let et\mathbf{e}^t denote a special function whose value is given by

et(tโ€ฒ)={1ifย t=tโ€ฒ,0otherwise.\mathbf{e}^t(t') = \begin{cases} 1 &\text{if } t = t',\\ 0 &\text{otherwise.} \end{cases}

Any node function f:Nโ†’Rf:\N\to\R can be expressed as a linear combination of these functions, i.e.

f=โˆ‘tโˆˆNf(t)et,f = \sum_{t\in\N} f(t) \mathbf{e}^t,

where f(t)โˆˆRf(t)\in\R is the value of ff at tt. The basis functions can be multiplied

etetโ€ฒ={etifย t=tโ€ฒ,0otherwise\mathbf{e}^t \mathbf{e}^{t'} = \begin{cases} \mathbf{e}^t &\text{if } t = t',\\ 0 &\text{otherwise} \end{cases}

which extends to the product of arbitrary node functions f,g:Nโ†’Rf,g:\N\to\R intuitively as

fg=โˆ‘tโˆˆNf(t)g(t)et.f g = \sum_{t\in\N} f(t) g(t) \mathbf{e}^t.

The product of two node functions is commutative, i.e. fg=gff g = g f, just like the product of continuous functions.

Edge Functionsโ€‹

The natural numbers N\N can be thought of as a simple directed graph. In the context of blockchain, the state ฯƒ(t)\sigma(t) would then reside on the node t,t, whereas the transaction T(t,t+1)T(t,t+1) would reside on the directed edge between states ฯƒ(t)\sigma(t) and ฯƒ(t+1)\sigma(t+1) as illustrated below.

Directed graph

Letting dNd\N denote the set of edges between natural numbers when thinking of N\N as a directed graph, define functions et,t+1:dNโ†’R\mathbf{e}^{t,t+1}: d\N\to\R by

et,t+1(tโ€ฒ,tโ€ฒ+1)={1ifย t=tโ€ฒ,0otherwise.\mathbf{e}^{t,t+1}(t',t'+1) = \begin{cases} 1 &\text{if } t = t',\\ 0 &\text{otherwise.} \end{cases}

We can then define a general discrete edge function TT as a linear combination

T=โˆ‘tโˆˆNT(t,t+1)et,t+1,T = \sum_{t\in\N} T(t,t+1) \mathbf{e}^{t,t+1},

where T(t,t+1)T(t,t+1) is the value of TT on the edge (t,t+1).(t,t+1).

Multiplication of an edge function by a node function on the left can be defined in terms of basis functions via

etetโ€ฒ,tโ€ฒ+1={et,t+1ifย t=tโ€ฒ,0otherwise.\mathbf{e}^t \mathbf{e}^{t',t'+1} = \begin{cases} e^{t,t+1} &\text{if } t = t',\\ 0 &\text{otherwise.} \end{cases}

In other words, the product is zero unless the node coincides with the beginning of the edge. Similarly, multiplication of an edge function by a node function on the right can be defined in terms of basis functions via

et,t+1etโ€ฒ={et,t+1ifย t+1=tโ€ฒ,0otherwise.\mathbf{e}^{t,t+1} \mathbf{e}^{t'} = \begin{cases} e^{t,t+1} &\text{if } t+1 = t',\\ 0 &\text{otherwise.} \end{cases}

In other words, the product is zero unless the node coincides with the end of the edge. In general we have

fT=โˆ‘tโˆˆNf(t)T(t,t+1)et,t+1f T = \sum_{t\in\N} f(t) T(t,t+1) \mathbf{e}^{t,t+1}


Tf=โˆ‘tโˆˆNf(t+1)T(t,t+1)et,t+1T f = \sum_{t\in\N} f(t+1) T(t,t+1) \mathbf{e}^{t,t+1}

so that the product of node functions and edge functions is noncommutative, i.e. fTโ‰ Tf.f T \neq T f.

There is also a natural product of edge functions defined by

et,t+1โˆ™etโ€ฒ,tโ€ฒ+1={et,t+1ifย t=tโ€ฒ,0otherwise.\mathbf{e}^{t,t+1}\bullet \mathbf{e}^{t',t'+1} = \begin{cases} e^{t,t+1} &\text{if } t = t',\\ 0 &\text{otherwise.} \end{cases}

so that

Uโˆ™V=โˆ‘tโˆˆNU(t,t+1)V(t,t+1)et,t+1U\bullet V = \sum_{t\in\N} U(t,t+1)V(t,t+1) e^{t,t+1}

and the product of edge functions is commutative, i.e. Uโˆ™V=Vโˆ™UU\bullet V = V\bullet U.

Discrete Differentialsโ€‹

There is a special "unit" node function

1=โˆ‘tโˆˆNet1 = \sum_{t\in\N} \mathbf{e}^t

that satisfies 1f=f1=f1 f = f 1 = f and 1T=T1=T.1 T = T 1 = T. Similarly, there is a special "graph" edge function

G=โˆ‘tโˆˆNet,t+1G = \sum_{t\in\N} \mathbf{e}^{t,t+1}

that acts as an identity on other edge functions, i.e.

Tโˆ™G=Gโˆ™T=T.T\bullet G = G\bullet T = T.

With the graph edge function, we can define the differential of a node function ff via

df=[G,f],d f = [G,f],

where [G,f]=Gfโˆ’fG[G,f] = G f - f G denotes the commutator, i.e.

df=โˆ‘tโˆˆNฮ”f(t,t+1)et,t+1d f = \sum_{t\in\N} \Delta f(t,t+1) \mathbf{e}^{t,t+1}


ฮ”f(t,t+1)=f(t+1)โˆ’f(t).\Delta f(t,t+1) = f(t+1) - f(t).

It follows from the properties of the commutator that

[G,fg]=[G,f]g+f[G,g][G,f g] = [G,f] g + f [G,g]

which gives rise to the discrete product rule

d(fg)=(df)g+f(dg).d(f g) = (d f) g + f (d g).

Although the product of node functions on the left-hand side is commutative, the products on the right-hand side are noncommutative so the order they are written matters. The above can be expressed in terms of the commutative product of edge functions via

d(fg)=dfโˆ™Gg+fGโˆ™dg.d(f g) = d f\bullet G g + f G\bullet d g.

We could have also written the discrete product rule as

d(gf)=(dg)f+g(df).d(g f) = (d g) f + g (d f).


d(gf)=dgโˆ™Gf+gGโˆ™df.d(g f) = d g\bullet G f + g G\bullet d f.

This means that when dealing with discrete node and edge functions, as we must with blockchain protocols, we have a degree of freedom in how we decompose terms in the discrete product rule since we can take linear combinations of the above two expressions and the result is a valid expression:

d(fg)=dfโˆ™[kGg+(1โˆ’k)gG]+[kfG+(1โˆ’k)Gf]โˆ™dg\begin{align*} d(f g) % &= k\left[(d f)\bullet(G g) + (f G)\bullet (d g)\right] + (1-k)\left[(d g)\bullet (G f) + (g G)\bullet (d f)\right] \\ &= df\bullet\left[k G g + (1-k) g G\right] + \left[k f G + (1-k) G f\right]\bullet dg \end{align*}

Let us introduce the notation

Ekf=(1โˆ’k)fG+kGfE_k f = (1-k) f G + k G f

so that the general discrete product rule can be written as

d(fg)=dfโˆ™Ekg+E1โˆ’kfโˆ™dg.d(f g) = df\bullet E_k g + E_{1-k} f\bullet d g.

Case: k=0k=0โ€‹

ฮ”(fg)(t,t+1)=ฮ”f(t,t+1)g(t)+f(t+1)ฮ”g(t,t+1)\Delta(f g)(t,t+1) = \Delta f(t,t+1) g(t) + f(t+1) \Delta g(t,t+1)

Case: k=1/2k=1/2โ€‹

ฮ”(fg)(t,t+1)=ฮ”f(t,t+1)g(t)+g(t+1)2+f(t)+f(t+1)2ฮ”g(t,t+1)\Delta(f g)(t,t+1) = \Delta f(t,t+1) \frac{g(t)+g(t+1)}2 + \frac{f(t)+f(t+1)}2 \Delta g(t,t+1)

Case: k=1k=1โ€‹

ฮ”(fg)(t,t+1)=ฮ”f(t,t+1)g(t+1)+f(t)ฮ”g(t,t+1)\Delta(f g)(t,t+1) = \Delta f(t,t+1) g(t+1) + f(t) \Delta g(t,t+1)

The value of kk has no impact on the sum. It merely impacts the way the discrete product rule decomposes into the two terms. As we will see in subsequent articles, this degree of freedom stemming from the inherent discreteness of a blockchain has important implications for AMM design.

Closer look ๐Ÿง: Note on Symmetries

There is a symmetry given by

Ekf(t,t+1)=E1โˆ’kf(t+1,t)E_k f(t,t+1) = E_{1-k} f(t+1,t)


ฮ”f(t,t+1)=โˆ’ฮ”f(t+1,t).\Delta f(t,t+1) = -\Delta f(t+1,t).

In other words, if the direction of time is reversed so that tt and t+1t+1 are swapped, then we can simply replace kk with 1โˆ’k1-k in the discrete product rule. This means that:

  • The discrete product rule for k=0k=0 is equivalent to the discrete product rule for k=1k=1 with time reversed;
  • The discrete product rule for k=1k=1 is equivalent to the discrete product rule for k=0k=0 with time reversed; and
  • The discrete product rule for k=1/2k=1/2 is the same whether forward in time or time reversed.

We will see this again when looking at self-financing in DeFi protocols.